Our Services

Fire risk assessment survey and Trainings

Fire Safety audits
Basic Firefighting training
Conduct Mock drills
ABC Multipurpose

Fire risk assessment survey and Trainings -

  1. A Fire Risk Assessment of proposed buildings may be used to satisfy a Building Control Body and/or Fire Authority as to the adequacy of fire safety solutions. In certain circumstances a Fire Authority may require sight of a Fire Risk Assessment report before confirming that the Fire Safety requirements are satisfactory.
  2. Fire Safety audits - Fire Safety Audit is an Audit under which we make a detailed survey of your factory as per IS guidelines to identify various fire hazards and adequacy of existing Fire Protecting System.A report will be given appraising the existing Fire Fighting System and its maintenance. Recommendations of additional fire fighting system if necessary will also be made.
  3. Basic Firefighting training - A lot of money is spent on systems like smoke detectors, fire alarm panels, sprinkler systems, and hydrant systems. But during an emergency most often than not there are not enough trained people to use them. Thus training on these systems and how to use them becomes mandatory. Fire extinguishers take care of only small fires and fire services take time to reach any place. If trained man power is available to use the hydrant system the fire can be fought till the time the fire service personnel reach the spot.
  4. Conduct Mock drills - A huge amount of money is spent on various fire protection systems in many places. But many a time when fire occurs many people lose their life.  Sometimes  systems fail and many a time employees are not trained on how to evacuate properly. Lives are lost mainly due to the fact that people do not know what to do and where to go. The evacuation Drills address the points of what to do and where to go.